Meet the delegates selected for the 5th cohort of the youth delegate program

We are excited to announce the upcoming 5th Cohort of the Youth Delegate Program, which will begin on August 3rd, 2021. This cohort will bring together 104 passionate young leaders from 47 different countries, each committed to making a positive impact on the world.

The Youth Delegate Program (YDP) is a three-month intensive Leadership Development Program designed for the world’s top young Changemakers. The program’s goal is to help these emerging leaders enhance their leadership skills and become more effective through collaboration and action. Unlike traditional academic programs, the YDP emphasizes peer-to-peer learning, where delegates learn from each other, supported by a structured curriculum, guest speakers, and mentorship.

Program Structure

The 5th Cohort is structured to provide a personalized experience for each participant. Up to 100 Youth Delegates, selected through a rigorous application process, will be placed in one of several “Tracks” based on their interests and goals. Each Track is facilitated by two peer Leads, who support the personal and professional development of each Delegate. The Tracks include:

  • Builders: Entrepreneurs, Intrapreneurs, Founders, Project Leads, Inventors.

  • Aspiring Builders: Aspiring Entrepreneurs, Intrapreneurs, Founders, Project Leads, Inventors.

  • Environmentalists: Climate Activists, Ecologists, SDG enthusiasts.

  • Activists: Community organizers, grassroots Changemakers, social justice advocates.

  • Policy Makers: Think tanks, consultants, government workers, NGOs.

  • Disruptors: Technology, healthcare, innovation, designers, problem solvers.

  • Influencers: Artists, social media influencers, journalists, storytellers.

  • Pathfinders: Recent graduates, early-stage career professionals, students.

  • Female Changemakers: Women and anyone who identifies as a woman who wants to make a change.

  • Conveners: Connectors, community builders, partnership developers.

Curriculum and Phases

The program is divided into three phases:

  1. Phase 1: Self-Awareness and Changemaker Leadership (Weeks 1-4)

  2. Phase 2: Partnership, Influence, and Collaboration (Weeks 5-10)

  3. Phase 3: Action, Problem-Solving, and Changing the World (Weeks 11-14)

During the program, all Delegates are required to attend weekly Coordination Calls on Mondays, where they engage in discussions, workshops, and activities designed to enhance their learning experience. Optional social hours and roundtable discussions are held every Thursday to foster community interaction and encourage collaboration.

Mentorship and Showcase

A key component of the 5th Cohort is the mentorship program, where each Delegate is paired with a mentor who provides guidance throughout the program. The program culminates in a Delegate Showcase, where participants present their strategies for taking action after the program ends. This could include drafting policies, proposing community projects, or launching new initiatives.

Meet the 5th Cohort Delegates

Here are the remarkable individuals who make up the 5th Cohort:

  • Adit Rastogi (India, Influencers Track)

  • Ahammad Hassan Monzoor (Bangladesh, Influencers* Track)

  • Alejandra Ramos Gomez (Mexico, Influencers Track)

  • Alexiane Terrochaire - - Barbançon (France, Activists Track)

  • Ammar Akila Azhar (Indonesia, Disruptors Track)

  • Ana Cardenas de Leon (Mexico, Female Changemakers Track)

  • Anabella Raika (United States, Pathfinders Track)

  • Angela Zhong (United States, Policy Makers Track)

  • Aradhana Pandey (India, Lead)

  • Axelle Laurent (France, Activists Track)

  • Barbara Beltran Torres (Peru, Aspiring Builders Track)

  • Bárbara Alves (Portugal, Activists Track)

  • Bishnupriya Ghosh (India, Disruptors Track)

  • Camila Ontiveros (Mexico, Female Changemakers Track)

  • Carlos Shanka Boissy Diaz (Spain, Influencers Track)

  • Chrislyn Pereira (Malaysia, Pathfinders Track)

  • Connor Woodall (United States, Aspiring Builders Track)

  • Daniela Martuchelli (Peru, Lead)

  • Dhruti Dheda (South Africa, Lead)

  • Elias Peña (Mexico, Lead)

  • Elena Egidio (Italy, Environmentalists Track)

  • Eveline van Eerd (Netherlands, Aspiring Builders Track)

  • Francesca Pedrani (Italy, Pathfinders Track)

  • Genesis Mwamba (Zambia, Builders Track)

  • Giovanna Basso (Brazil, Pathfinders Track)

  • Gladys Wachira (Kenya, Aspiring Builders Track)

  • Habibou Ouedraogo (Burkina Faso, Female Changemakers Track)

  • Hanan Alnuwaiser (Saudi Arabia, Pathfinders Track)

  • Hannah Jackson (Canada, Activists Track)

  • Hooi Sean Lim (Malaysia, Environmentalists Track)

  • Hussain Al-Hajji (Saudi Arabia, Aspiring Builders Track)

  • Ian Chee (Malaysia, Policy Makers Track)

  • Ian Soh (Malaysia, Builders Track)

  • Ines Sousa (Portugal, Lead)

  • Isabel Neri (Philippines, Influencers Track)

  • Itumeleng Mokoena (South Africa, Female Changemakers Track)

  • João Luís Lins Rodrigues Cruz (Brazil, Disruptors Track)

  • Jolie Gan (Canada, Policy Makers Track)

  • Karolina Chmura (Poland, Policy Makers Track)

  • Katrina Neve (United Kingdom, Pathfinders Track)

  • Kelly Given (United Kingdom, Policy Makers Track)

  • Kemille Johnson (Jamaica, Pathfinders Track)

  • Kuhoo Tiwari (India, Activists Track)

  • Lea Eder (Germany, Conveners Track)

  • Léa Aleyna Fournier (Turkey, Activists Track)

  • Liseth Escobar (Ecuador, Environmentalists Track)

  • Liziwe Nogoduka (South Africa, Lead)

  • Ljubica Fuentes (Ecuador, Disruptors Track)

  • Luis Urtusuastegui (Mexico, Lead)

  • Maria Carolina Giustozzi (Argentina, Conveners Track)

  • Maria Fernanda Camara Morales (Mexico, Female Changemakers Track)

  • Maria Theresa Villatoro (United States, Disruptors Track)

  • Mary Black (United States, Environmentalists Track)

  • Matthew Aw (Malaysia, Builders Track)

  • Melissa Alex (India, Female Changemakers Track)

  • Meryem Torkay (Turkey, Policy Makers Track)

  • Muhammad Junaid (Pakistan, Builders Track)

  • Ninja Hahn (Germany, Female Changemakers Track)

  • Ntombizodwa Lephuma (Lesotho, Policy Makers Track)

  • Odessa Fortune (Trinidad & Tobago, Policy Makers Track)

  • Pauline Yang (United States, Builders Track)

  • Pooja Baburaj (India, Disruptors Track)

  • Rachel Radyk (Canada, Policy Makers Track)

  • Rafaela Machado (Brazil, Conveners Track)

  • Rebecca Nampewo (United States, Lead)

  • Rhita Jibou (Morocco, Conveners Track)

  • Ridhima Joshi (India, Female Changemakers Track)

  • Rudraksha Mitra (India, Influencers* Track)

  • Sagufta Janif (Fiji, Builders Track)

  • Samira Chatila (United States, Activists Track)

  • Santha Nair (Malaysia, Lead)

  • Sharifah Hani Yasmin Syed Abdullah (Malaysia, Conveners Track)

  • Sharima Achmad (Indonesia, Environmentalists Track)

  • Shrishti Puri (India, Disruptors Track)

  • Shrujal Raut (India, Pathfinders Track)

  • Shuvankar Dey (India, Aspiring Builders Track)

  • Sofia Euthymiou (Brazil, Builders Track)

  • Sophia Steele (United States, Aspiring Builders Track)

  • Tamar Lesser (Canada, Activists Track)

  • Tara Shivafard (Canada, Lead)

  • Terry Chen (Canada, Builders Track)

  • Thamara de Paulo Monteiro (Brazil, Female Changemakers Track)

  • Theodorus Clarence Tessensohn (Malaysia, Disruptors Track)

  • Theresa Shema Nzayisenga (Zambia, Pathfinders Track)

  • Tsitsi Violet Taruwona (Zimbabwe, Activists Track)

  • Tsz Kai Lam (China, Environmentalists Track)

  • Valencia Yip (Singapore, Lead)

  • Vanessa Kaniaru (Kenya, Female Changemakers Track)

  • Vidvatta Sharma (India, Disruptors Track)

  • Wahid Kamalian (United Arab Emirates, Builders Track)

  • Zamajozi Sithole (South Africa, Disruptors Track)

  • Zihan Xuan (China, Conveners Track)

Introducing the Leads of the 5th Cohort

The success of the Youth Delegate Program heavily relies on the guidance, expertise, and support of our dedicated Leads. These individuals have been selected based on their exceptional leadership skills, commitment to social impact, and ability to inspire and mentor others. Each Lead is responsible for facilitating one of the program's Tracks, ensuring that every Delegate receives personalized guidance throughout their journey. Here are the Leads for the 5th Cohort:

  • Elias Peña - Aspiring Builders Track

  • Dhruti Dheda - Disruptors Track

  • Luis Urtusuastegui - Activists Track

  • Valencia Yip - Conveners Track

  • Tara Shivafard - Policy Makers Track

  • Liziwe Nogoduka - Influencers Track

  • Inês Sousa - Pathfinders Track

  • Daniela Martuccelli - Female Changemakers Track

  • Aradhana Pandey - Female Changemakers Track

  • Nikita Leonie Peck - Pathfinders Track

  • Rebecca Nampewo - Builders Track

  • Santha Nair - Environmentalists Track

These Leads are committed to ensuring that every Delegate in the 5th Cohort receives the support they need to thrive and make a lasting impact. Together, they will help shape the next generation of global Changemakers.

As we embark on the journey of the 5th Cohort of the Youth Delegate Program, we are filled with excitement and anticipation for the incredible impact these young Changemakers will create. With a diverse group of delegates hailing from various corners of the globe, guided by our dedicated and experienced Leads, this cohort is poised to tackle some of the most pressing challenges facing our world today.

We look forward to witnessing the growth, collaboration, and transformative impact that will emerge from this cohort. As these young leaders learn, grow, and inspire each other, they will undoubtedly contribute to a more just, inclusive, and sustainable world. Stay tuned for updates on their progress and the remarkable work they will accomplish in the months ahead.


Announcing the 6th Cohort of the Youth Delegate Program


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